Bismillah Ar-Rehman Ar-Raheem
As Salaamu Aleykum Wa-Rehmatullah:
I wanted to express my feelings towards what happend on December 27th 2008. Gaza has been under daily attack by the Israeli's for years. But the recent attacks, killing not only innocent Men but Women and Children!! May Allah (SWT) curse them all. The death toll now stands at 345 killed, and over 1450 are injured! The worst number of Palestinian casualties, and the bloodiest, since the 1967 attack in Gaza.This is a topic that every Muslim around the world should be thinking about. Its ironical how we stray from more important issues to less important ones. Free Palestine from the grips of the Isreali government!!!
When I saw this yesterday I was absolutely devastated. It is time for the Muslims to WAKE UP. While we sit back, relax eating our Big Macs. We watch and turn away as if it never happend, how disgusting. This is a issue that should be imprinted in our minds. That we will not rest until we can do something about it. Hundred's of our Brothers and Sisters are dying. While we are ungrateful for the food we have, there are Muslims that go hungry every night. Is it not our priority to help these people?!! Have we been reduced to the same self indulged thinking of the "Westerners"? If it's not happening to us than it doesn't matter? We call ourselves Muslims, yet we don't think of our Ummah! What kind of Muslims are we? Hamidullah, some of us have been blessed with wealth. As we worry about buying the latest Touch screen, High Definiation, blue Ray T.V, the people who are suffering are the farthest from our minds. SubhanAllah we become broke when it comes to giving to the Masjid. Or the charities that give food, water and shelter to those over-seas. I find myself asking why aren't the Muslims fighting against the Isrealis as if our familys have been targeted. If this happend to their own Mother,father, Brothers and Sisters. Imagine If those bombs had hit our homes, had touched our loved one's. Would we not stand up and fight!?? It is our obligation, and InshAllah there will be an awakening experience within our hearts.
The Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) has taught us that If we can stop the evil we encounter with our hands, then we should do so, and If not the hand, then by the tongue, and If that’s not possible, then to at least hate it in our hearts.
Our Ummah is sleeping, while blood is flowing from the bodys of our Brothers and Sisters. Firstly, we need to live and die by La Illa Illa Allah then victory will be on it’s way!! Secondly, we need to replace our leaders with ones of piety. Lastly, OUR LEADERS NEED TO UNIFY..WE NEED AN UMMAH(UNITY OF MUSLIMS).
May Allah (SWT) grant us victory, and bring peace and patience to our hearts. InshAllah make our Imaan reach to new hieghts. May the familys of those who were directly effected by this, may they stay steadfast on this great religion. May Allah exalt his deen. Ameen.
There was a protest in London today outside Israeli Embassy, 100s & 1000s gathered. Hamidullah , it makes me feel good to see that! I'll be at the protest on December 30 08 InshAllah Tala. In Washington, D.C., there will be a demonstration infront of the State Department at 4:30 pm!! And I invite and ask all the Muslims and Non Muslims to stand up and make a differance. Don't be of those who turn away as if nothing is happening. The reality is this could happen to you, how would you feel?-- If i have made any mistake's they are mine and mine only. * Please keep making du’aa (Prayer) for our brothers and sisters in Gaza as much as you can.
As Salaamu Aleykum Wa-Rehmatullah:
I wanted to express my feelings towards what happend on December 27th 2008. Gaza has been under daily attack by the Israeli's for years. But the recent attacks, killing not only innocent Men but Women and Children!! May Allah (SWT) curse them all. The death toll now stands at 345 killed, and over 1450 are injured! The worst number of Palestinian casualties, and the bloodiest, since the 1967 attack in Gaza.This is a topic that every Muslim around the world should be thinking about. Its ironical how we stray from more important issues to less important ones. Free Palestine from the grips of the Isreali government!!!
When I saw this yesterday I was absolutely devastated. It is time for the Muslims to WAKE UP. While we sit back, relax eating our Big Macs. We watch and turn away as if it never happend, how disgusting. This is a issue that should be imprinted in our minds. That we will not rest until we can do something about it. Hundred's of our Brothers and Sisters are dying. While we are ungrateful for the food we have, there are Muslims that go hungry every night. Is it not our priority to help these people?!! Have we been reduced to the same self indulged thinking of the "Westerners"? If it's not happening to us than it doesn't matter? We call ourselves Muslims, yet we don't think of our Ummah! What kind of Muslims are we? Hamidullah, some of us have been blessed with wealth. As we worry about buying the latest Touch screen, High Definiation, blue Ray T.V, the people who are suffering are the farthest from our minds. SubhanAllah we become broke when it comes to giving to the Masjid. Or the charities that give food, water and shelter to those over-seas. I find myself asking why aren't the Muslims fighting against the Isrealis as if our familys have been targeted. If this happend to their own Mother,father, Brothers and Sisters. Imagine If those bombs had hit our homes, had touched our loved one's. Would we not stand up and fight!?? It is our obligation, and InshAllah there will be an awakening experience within our hearts.
The Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) has taught us that If we can stop the evil we encounter with our hands, then we should do so, and If not the hand, then by the tongue, and If that’s not possible, then to at least hate it in our hearts.
Our Ummah is sleeping, while blood is flowing from the bodys of our Brothers and Sisters. Firstly, we need to live and die by La Illa Illa Allah then victory will be on it’s way!! Secondly, we need to replace our leaders with ones of piety. Lastly, OUR LEADERS NEED TO UNIFY..WE NEED AN UMMAH(UNITY OF MUSLIMS).
May Allah (SWT) grant us victory, and bring peace and patience to our hearts. InshAllah make our Imaan reach to new hieghts. May the familys of those who were directly effected by this, may they stay steadfast on this great religion. May Allah exalt his deen. Ameen.
There was a protest in London today outside Israeli Embassy, 100s & 1000s gathered. Hamidullah , it makes me feel good to see that! I'll be at the protest on December 30 08 InshAllah Tala. In Washington, D.C., there will be a demonstration infront of the State Department at 4:30 pm!! And I invite and ask all the Muslims and Non Muslims to stand up and make a differance. Don't be of those who turn away as if nothing is happening. The reality is this could happen to you, how would you feel?-- If i have made any mistake's they are mine and mine only. * Please keep making du’aa (Prayer) for our brothers and sisters in Gaza as much as you can.
"It is time for the Muslims to WAKE UP. While we sit back, relax eating our Big Macs." Lol, that one made me laugh...a bit. Anyway, you're so right. We can't just be there like everything's fine. We have to do all we can to spread the truth. Insha Allah, I'll remember our brothers and sisters in Palestine and our Ummah all over the world...
ReplyDeleteLol it was a serious note had to add some humor in it =). InshAllah 'Tala our Ummah will constantly think of our fellow brothers and sisters in Islam. The thing is after all the hype dies out (media coverage) people tend to forget. May we be of those who always remember and try to make a differance. Ameen.